Community Groups

Monthly Leader Guide

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Monthly Practice:


Nov 27
December 31, 2022


"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."
1 John 3:16-18

Giving is the intentional practice of surrendering a portion of our money, energy, time, and other resources as an act of trust in God.

The story of the Gospel can be summed up in two words: God (the subject) gave (the verb). If we are to reflect our Creator's image, we must be willing to live lives of extravagant generosity. We must be willing to give our time, skills, and finances. We reflect our Creator's generosity and share the love and hope of the Gospel with others through our giving.

Overview Video

Weekly Guides

Week 1


  • Make sure you have access to the overview video and are able to play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. These are intended to give you context for the week. You can choose to start with these and use them for discussion or bring them up as applicable during your Group practice time
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: Giving teaches us to surrender and trust.

  • When we give sacrificially, we are choosing to be dependent on God.
  • True surrender releases us from carrying the weight of being in control.
  • God wants us to trust him with our needs and remember that everything belongs to him

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes

Group practice - do this together in Group

  • WATCH the overview video together, then engage in discussion.
  • REVIEW the Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • ASK: Have you practiced giving as a spiritual practice before? If so, how has it helped you grow closer to Jesus?
  • ASK: What is the most challenging aspect of giving for you?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

  • Take a step toward generosity this week. It could be helping a neighbor with something, paying for the person behind you in a drive-through, giving to the church for the first time—anything to practice giving!

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 2


  • Make sure you have access to the overview video and are able to play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. These are intended to give you context for the week. You can choose to start with these and use them for discussion or bring them up as applicable during your Group practice time.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: Giving provides us with contentment and blessing.

  • The Holy Spirit wants to produce contentment with whatever we have and integrity in managing it.
  • We give because we are children of the God who created everything and who owns it all.
  • Everything you will ever need is already promised to you through Jesus.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes

Group practice - do this together in Group

  • SHARE how you practiced generosity in the last week.
  • WATCH the overview video together, then engage in discussion.
  • REVIEW the Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • DECIDE how your group can practice giving together this month. You could set a monetary goal for the group to raise and donate, or simply an event to give to or serve at together. Make a plan and commit to following through together!
  • ASK: Do you find it easy or difficult to give sacrificially?
  • ASK: What has helped you find contentment in life?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

  • Take some time to make two lists: the first, a list of some ways that you can see how God has blessed you already, and the second, a list of the things you may feel dissatisfied with. Spend a moment each day thanking God for what he has done, and asking him to give you contentment in place of each dissatisfaction.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 3


  • Make sure you have access to the overview video and are able to play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. These are intended to give you context for the week. You can choose to start with these and use them for discussion or bring them up as applicable during your Group practice time.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: Giving produces peace and satisfaction.

  • We can live with peace knowing that God will provide us with everything we need.
  • We can be fulfilled knowing that our generosity is a blessing to others.
  • Giving brings us fulfillment and increases our desire to be generous.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes

Group practice - do this together in Group

  • DISCUSS your experiences praying through the lists of how God has blessed you and where you need more contentment.
  • WATCH the overview video together, then engage in discussion.
  • REVIEW the Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • ASK: What has been one or two of your most rewarding experiences with being generous?
  • ASK: Have you taken a risk or made a sacrifice in giving recently? If so, how did it affect you? If not, how could you do so in the coming weeks?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

  • Write a thank you message to someone who has been generous toward you. Let them know how it impacted you, and how God worked through them in helping you.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 4


  • Decide in advance what you will do this week for the Group Practice. This can be anything that builds community and relationships. If your group missed a week, you can also use this week to make up for previous content.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Time - 40 Minutes

  • REVIEW the previous week’s individual practice.
  • In addition to the usual connection time and sermon review, use this week’s meeting to foster community and deepen relationships.
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Pray - 10 Minutes


Giving teaches surrender, provides contentment, and produces peace.


Take a step toward consistent tithing (giving the first 10% of your income to a church). For example, if you don't give any, start with 1-2%. Take a step toward giving more from whatever you are giving currently.


Memory Verse

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."
Matthew 6:33

Definition Sermons

Kingdom Generosity

People Over Possessions

Kingdom Minded


The Blessed Life. Robert Morris.

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